Culture Track: A Two Part Series
In this time of upheaval, museums, zoos, aquariums, and cultural organizations have wondered how they can best support and remain relevant to their communities. Join VSA's two-part series on Culture Track: a national study led by LaPlaca Cohen and Slover Linett to uncover how organizations can be responsive to and benefit their communities while grappling with adjustments in light of COVID-19. Culture Track Part 1: Findings and Methodologies for Culture and Community in a Time of Crisis September 9, 2020 Members of the Slover Linett and LaPlaca Cohen teams provide an overview of key takeaways for organizations looking to better understand and connect with their audiences as well as the general public during Covid-19. The group will also share methodological considerations and lessons learned from designing, coordinating, analyzing, and reporting on a field-wide initiative that scaled from an initial expected 10,000 responses to over 120,000. Panelists include: Jen Benoit-Bryan, Slover Linett Madeline Smith, Slover Linett Kriti Mira Adhikari, LaPlaca Cohen A recording of this web chat can be found here. Culture Track Part 2: Interpreting and Implementing Culture and Community in a Time of Crisis September 16, 2020 A panel of cultural industry professionals discuss how their organizations have used the Culture Track study to inform decisions during Covid, and how findings fit with other research studies undertaken during Covid-19. Panelists include: Caroline Goeser, Museum of Fine Art, Houston Lindsay Maldonado, Shedd Aquarium Sunil Iyengar, National Endowment for the Arts Jen Benoit-Bryan, Slover Linett