VSA Reading Group: “Looking to Read: How Visitors Use Exhibit Labels in the Art Museum”
Please join us for a book club-style discussion of this year’s Screven Award winning article, “Looking to Read: How Visitors Use Exhibit Labels in the Art Museum.” Conversation will be directed by the interests and input of participants. We encourage you to come ready to share your thoughts and raise questions!
Please join us for a book club-style discussion of this year’s Screven Award winning article, “Looking to Read: How Visitors Use Exhibit Labels in the Art Museum.” Conversation will be directed by the interests and input of participants. We encourage you to come ready to share your thoughts and raise questions! Some topics we might explore include:
- A critical piece of the study design was the use of mobile eye tracking (MET) devices, worn by consenting participants (p. 131). How might MET support research questions you are considering? What barriers or limitations do you see?
- While describing the results as a first step (p. 145), the authors conclude that "labels of potential value to visitors offer information that an artwork itself cannot give" (p. 146). As they consider future studies in understanding reading patterns in the art museum, what questions would you like answered?
- Can you describe the type of reader you are in an art museum? Do you think your MET data would confirm your self-perception?
November 16th, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
United States