VSA’s Career Center is managed in partnership with a third-party company, which shares relevant job posting across multiple professional associations that serve fields related to visitor studies. By working with this company, we are able to broadcast job notices posted on the VSA Career Center beyond just the VSA membership, and we can also share opportunities with our members that are posted on other relevant career centers.
Anyone can post their resume to the VSA Career Center.
How much does the Career Center cost?
There is no fee to job seekers to browse job postings or post a resume. Employers that wish to advertise a job opening to VSA members are charged a fee, which varies depending on the services that the employer chooses to use. A basic job posting is $99 for VSA members and $249 for nonmembers. The full list of fees are listed on the Career Center webpage, and are comparable to that charged by other associations. Please note that there is a substantial discount (60% off) on all Career Center fees for VSA members. To receive the member discount code, please email the Visitor Studies office.
What about requests for temporary help?
If you are not hiring a permanent position but rather looking for temporary help, such as someone to do a few hours of data collection, that kind of request can still be posted on the listserv. Please contact VSA if you’re not sure whether or not to post a position to the mailing list or Career Center.
What about RFPs? Do those belong on the listserv or in the Career Center?
Mailing list members can continue to share RFPs through the listserv. Members can also utilize the Career Center for RFPs, but please be aware that it is not designed for this purpose and some categories of information may not be well aligned.